オリンピック、パラリンピック正式種目であるテコンドーの教室を主に岡崎市、豊田市で実施しています。蹴りの連続技はテコンドーの大きな特徴の一つですが魅力の一つにすぎません。当道場ではキョルギ(組み手)、蹴り技などの習得と同時に武道として取り組まれているプムセ(型)の練習を中心に行います。日本代表選手の経験のある指導者を始め全国大会入賞者も何名か輩出。生涯武道として続けていくのをコンセプトに運動経験のない高齢者の方も大歓迎です。QOL(quality of life)を高めましょう。
We hold classes in Taekwondo, an official Olympic and Paralympic sport, mainly in Okazaki City and Toyota City. The continuous kicking technique is one of the major characteristics of Taekwondo, but it is only one of its charms. At our dojo, we focus on training Poomsae (forms), which is a martial art, while also learning Kyorgi (grip) and kicking techniques. We have produced several instructors who have represented Japan and have won national championships. With the concept of continuing as a lifelong martial art, even seniors with no exercise experience are welcome. Let's improve our quality of life.
Registration fee: 5,000 yen
Monthly fee: 5,500 yen
Association registration fee: 1,000-3,000 yen (see All Japan Taekwondo Association website)
Sports insurance: 950-2,000 yen